Our Anna
Today in Language Arts, Anna's class read this poem:
The important thing
about a daisy is
that it is white.
It is yellow in the middle,
it has long white petals,
and bees sit on it,
it has a ticklish smell,
it grows in green fields,
and there are always lots of daisies.
But the important thing
about a daisy is
that it is white. (The Important Book, M. Brown)
Her homework assignment tonight was write a response regarding the important thing about [myself]. She gave this to me for review:
The important thing about Anna is that she likes everybody
She is nice She is happy She is bright
but the important thing about Anna is that she
like'se veryone.
Indeed. What a sweetheart.

Five years ago...
These are among my favorite images of Anna and I hadn't realized previously that they were each taken in the summer of 2003, just about the time that Anna decided she was NOT Anna, rather, Tina the Cowgirl. We've no idea how that happened but we do recall that for a period of some months she wouldn't respond to anyone unless their remarks began thus, "Tina the Cowgirl? ....."
Anna. The important thing about Anna is she's delightful.

Five years ago...
These are among my favorite images of Anna and I hadn't realized previously that they were each taken in the summer of 2003, just about the time that Anna decided she was NOT Anna, rather, Tina the Cowgirl. We've no idea how that happened but we do recall that for a period of some months she wouldn't respond to anyone unless their remarks began thus, "Tina the Cowgirl? ....."
Anna. The important thing about Anna is she's delightful.
How precious!
Do you remember that sweet little face? I believe you were in the house with your Mom that very morning...?
What a perfect child to have for a name sake. You're a lucky mom to have 3 wonderful little girlies all your own. LYFE Milo's Nona
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