Saturday, November 1, 2008

Home again, home again...

My 24-hour jaunt to Birmingham to share a sad day with cBFF turned into a couple of days...long days; days with very little sleep in between them.  Thanks to Southwest for a flight cancellation that kept me from being home with the ghosts and goblins, I ended up with an extra day to enjoy the company of her family and friends, the fresh outdoors of the afternoon at the farm.  Cows, calves, tractors, walking about in big fields.  I love being out in the country and I found the rural outskirts of Birmingham to be absolutely beautiful.

Southern hospitality is no myth; people are warm and kind.  It was nice to be back in the South for a while.  Best of all---I was fortunate enough to eat some yummy fried catfish and hush puppies: some of the finest offerings of the region and something I try to enjoy every time I can.

cBFF's father and brother were lovely which only added to my genuine sadness that I will never get to meet her Mom; I have looked forward to that for years now.  Despite the warmth and cheer of loved ones reunited, it was a sad, sad time.  My heart aches for all of them.


Special K said...

what does the "c" stand for?

My condolences...

KHM said...

"co"BFF. BFF in residence, actually. Dave is BFF at large.

Special K said...

Oh, I see. I thought maybe it was "Canadian", but I couldn't remember the name of your friends who moved up there. (: