Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mommy Brag

Might as well call a spade a spade, right? Tonight was Thing 1's Spring Concert. I missed the winter concert because of someone being ill so I was really looking forward to the event tonight. I've noticed HUGE improvements in her playing this year and I'm so pleased.

Middle School---there's a jazz band (yes, a jazz band; an after school "clinic"), the sixth grade beginners, sixth grade intermediates (that's where Thing 1 is), seventh grade intermediates and an advanced band. The jazz band opened and I gotta tell you---it was waaaaaayyyyyy better than I would have expected. A couple of complaints: too many solos (everyone wants a moment) and too few females. But to me, the very idea of introducing the rudiments of improvisation at this early point is such a gift. I wish, I wish, I wish I'd had that opportunity.

Sixth grade beginners---better than you might think, lots of intonation issues but some style, some dynamics and rhythms more sophisticated than I recall playing. Thing 1's group was next and they played about five numbers---a march, some Dvorak selections (nice work on dynamics, kids!), theme from The Incredibles and Louie, Louie which also included some improved soloing from each of the sax was GREAT! Awards were presented for each ensemble and young Thing 1 was recognized as the most improved player and I just burst out in tears---I know she's worked hard and that she's really loving it. And I know her band director really has her attention and respect. And that, my friends, is the foundation for a long, happy relationship in school music instruction.

Yadda yadda, everything else was great. The last two numbers were so cool---each year they allow eight grade musicians to compete for a guest conducting spot and this year's honoree directed Soul Man and did it really well. The finale is what they called an Instant Concert where the Advanced Band invited all alumni of the school's bands to join them on stage and play a fun number that is basically 8 to 16 bars of about 50 recognizable pieces of classical, holiday and pop music compositions. Energetic and kind of hilarious.

I can't wait for Anna's show tomorrow night. I think a group of first year viola players (who by the way meet for a max of one hour per week) might be a lot less compelling. Just in case, I'm bringing my iPhone for games or Facebook whining...stay tuned!


That other thing will be seven tomorrow. SEVEN. NFW. She met the pediatric gastroenterologist today; great guy who wants to do an endoscopy and biopsy on June 11 but he's all but certain of the Celiac diagnosis.... luckily Lindsay doesn't really know what that is and I don't intend to tell her until ... another day.

1 comment:

jill said...

Awww - congrats to Thing 1 and Proud Mommy!