Friday, June 23, 2006


Someone snatched my very lovely and treasured pink iPod case!!!! I suspect small girls as the iPod was left sitting comfortably docked...

I want my case back!


Anonymous said...

Would this be your small girls or strange small girls? If it is indeed your small girls do they read your blog? You know us divas we just get so distracted by shiny objects that we have to make them ours and it doesn't matter at what cost to others. It is all about us. I hope your pink case is returned safe and sound.


KHM said...

It was a strange girl. Turn out---moi! It was in the fold of my neatly folded back comforter. Apparently took the box o' joy out of its case for snoozing tunes and turned down the covers...

I hate it when I'm the victim AND the perpetrator. Where's the satisfaction in that?