Friday, February 27, 2009


I mean that commercial---you know--Apple is all about grabbing you with a song; they've done it one hundred times already. This go round, its Franz Ferdinand's "No You Never Know" for their iPod Touch. And its hot. I heard it once and was singing it for days; the second time, I bought it and posted it for you. Popsters: this is definitely the gig you want.


Headache continues. I'm seriously drugged; I've begun to use acronyms to refer to the combinations I need to take (e.g., XPF = xanax, phenergan, frova; XPF+= add fioricet and zofran..). We're supposed to begin what is called the Raskin protocol this weekend which is a series of 12 infusions spaced 8-hours apart of dihydroergotamine and reglan with the goal of literally beating the headache down. The challenge has been finding an infusion center to take the case otherwise its going to be an inpatient affair and god knows I don't want that.

No, you'll never know...


jill said...

OUCH - sorry to hear that, honey!

Dag said...

Good luck, Kathy!

KHM said...

Sorry, shmorry---who's got the drugs?