Friday, June 29, 2007

Happy Birthday, Anna!

Seven Years with Banana

Hard to believe, isn't it? That seven years ago, little Miss Anna Banana was born and introduced us to all the wonders of her world. She gave us an early scare and spent the first week in the NICU at Georgetown and then really challenged all of us with her GERD issue but once we got that managed, she has grown into a little girl with the sunniest disposition and best sense of humor. She also has a tendency to walk right into walls and spill stuff all over herself but that's part of her charm....Having (badly) injured my back on Thursday, we were compelled to scale down our already-modest celebration plans. Anna and Haley each had a friend over for a sleepover, dinner was a kid feast of dunkables (chicken fingers, celery, carrots) and takes so little to make kids happy. Best of all, I was able to bake and decorate her birthday cake myself. The little extra trouble of baking from scratch really made a huge difference; the fresh strawberry frosting didn't hurt, either...
Anna loved her gift---a little digital camera and she has set about documenting all the people and things she loves in this world; I wouldn't be surprised if she starts a blog.....


Indeterminacy said...

Isn't it amazing how fast kids grow? My son is 10 years old now - I can't believe it, really.

Nice comment you made to that ship's dance photo. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

How did you hurt your back? You people just can't stay pain free for very long a time it seems. Details!

Happy Birthday to Anna March it looks like a good time was had by all plus a really nice present for a 7 year old. LYFE

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday Anna!!! Love, Melissa and Sadie!